一國兩境設,屋頂串門難 st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】Macau authority denied SCMP photographer’s entry. I do not focus on the freedom of press this time. What catches our eyes is the meaning of “territories” within a “State”. What it means “the boundary” between territories and state? What is the connection with the SAR passport and the nationality? There is a new trial between ROC and China , which is derived by a “Roof Theory”. Could the 訂做禮服 Roof really exist? 抗議澳門拒?南華早報攝影記者入境table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 「境」(boundary),是什麼意思?territory(領土),是什麼意思? 王智強的「有效旅遊證件」是什麼意思?「護照」嗎?這與「國籍」又有何種關係?「國」,又是什麼意思? 進一步說,「屋頂理論」又是什麼?實踐上,存在嗎? 香港攝影記者往澳門采訪被拒入境 ■BBC(2009.02.19) 香港攝影記者王智強18日擬到澳門採訪前運輸及工務司長歐文龍貪污案審訊時,被澳門當局拒絕入境。 香港媒體說,王智強已 買屋網成為近月來首名被澳門拒絕入境的香港記者。 攝影記者王智強的雇主《南華早報》和香港攝影記者協會表示強烈抗議,認為此舉是對新聞自由的嚴重干涉。 新聞行政人員協會則對有香港記者被拒入境深表關注和遺憾。 《南華早報》發表聲明,強調王智強到澳門是執行合法專業的採訪工作,並已致函澳門保安司長和新聞局長,要求當局道歉和承諾將來不再禁止王智強入境。 目前正籌備《基本法》23條立法及特首選舉工作的澳門當局,近期多次拒絕港人入境。 香港泛民主派立法會議員早些時候到澳門準備參加當地反對23條立法活動時,全部遭澳門政府遣返。 香港保安局長李少?訂做禮服P三在立法會回答泛議員質詢時說,他個人對有議員被拒入境感到關注和「不自在」。 他表示,保安局曾就事件向澳門保安司瞭解,但澳門方面稱,當局並沒有一份拒絕香港居民入境的黑名單。 http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/trad/hi/newsid_7890000/newsid_7898400/7898475.stm 澳門拒絕本報攝影記者入境(Macau denies entry to Post photographer) ■SCMP(2009.02.19) 本報一名攝影記者昨天被澳門當局禁止入境,成為首名被澳門拒絕入境的香港記者。 被拒入境的記者王智強事前已獲澳門政府批出記者證,準備前往採訪前運輸工務司司長歐文龍的貪腐案審訊。 總編劉志權表示,南華早報認 辦公室出租為事件乃對新聞自由及王智強行動自由的嚴重干預,因此對事件極之關注。 本報已向澳門當局發出措辭嚴厲的抗議,並去函澳門保安司司長張國華及新聞局局長陳致平,要求當局就事件道歉,並承諾王智強未來不會再被禁止入境。 http://chinaoutlook.scmp.com/gcoog/simpchi_article.php?ArticleID=1000004026&OtherID=1000004027&Section=topstory 香港攝影記者協會聲明:抗議澳門拒絕南華早報攝影記者入境 抗議聲明 就南華早報攝影記者王智強於今早被澳門當局拒絕入境採訪,香港攝影記者協會提出強烈抗議。 王智強持有效旅遊證件,並早已向當局申請合法採訪及取得記者證,但卻以「個別事件」和《澳門特區內部保安綱要法》 關鍵字行銷為由被拒絕入境。本會認為當局的做法極度不合理,毫無理據及透明度,並認為事件嚴重妨礙新聞自由,促請澳門保安司盡快解釋事件,並確保香港新聞工作者能繼續自由進出澳門並進行採訪。此致 香港攝影記者協會 二零零九年 二月十八日 中華日報社論----以「屋頂理論」來看待兩岸文物交流 ■中華日報社論(2009.02.19) …故宮文物,六十年來存放大陸和台灣兩地,兩岸政治上雖有統獨爭議,但兩地故宮文物則綰繫難分,同屬中華民族所共有。兩岸「兩宮」文物互相交流的用意,是使兩岸人民有機會、更方便看到祖先的榮耀,這其實是文物原創者之子孫的權利,不應被政治力剝奪。 「兩宮」文物交流深為一個「國」字所困,自是受制於兩岸現狀之 術後面膜故。兩岸關係曾出現「屋頂理論」,此「屋頂」即由「一個中國」所產生的「九二共識」,我方定義為「一個中國,各自表述」。最近幾年,北京逐漸默認這個定義,陳雲林以官方身分來台,不避中華民國國旗,並與馬總統在具官方意義的台北賓館晤面,顯現「不否認」中華民國在一個屋頂下的地位。… Hong Kong newspaper protests as Macau refuses journalist entry - Earthtimes ■The EarthTimes(2009.02.19) Hong Kong - Hong Kong's leading English-language newspaper was protesting Thursday to officials in neighbouring Macau after one of its photographers was refused entry to the territory. Felix Wong of the South China Morning Post w 小額信貸as detained and then sent back on a ferry to Hong Kong when he attempted to travel to Macau to cover a corruption case involving a former transport secretary. Wong had been given a Macau government permit to cover the trial but claims he was sent back to Hong Kong after being made to sign papers saying he had been denied entry under internal security laws. It is believed to be the first time that Macau, a casino resort under Chinese sovereignty situated 45 minutes west of Hong Kong by ferry, has refused a Hong Kong journalist entry. Thursday's South China Morning Post reported that its editor CK Lau had written to Macau officia 宜蘭民宿ls, calling the incident "a serious infringement of the freedom of the press." Lau has demanded an apology from the Macau government as well as an assurance that Wong would be allowed to enter the territory of 500,000 people in the future, the newspaper said. His letter is supported by the Hong Kong Journalists Association, which described the incident as "intolerable" and an infringement on the freedom of Hong Kong 's press. Last summer, Wong was taken away by Beijing police while covering a chaotic queue for Olympic Games tickets and accused of kicking a police officer as he was being dragged away, the South China Morning Post reported. Wong w 房屋二胎as released after expressing regret for inadvertently hurting the officer, the newspaper said, and had returned to mainland China since without encountering any problems. Macau reverted to Chinese sovereignty after 450 years of Portuguese rule in 1999, two years after Hong Kong . It has a reputation for being politically more similar to mainland China than its eastern neighbour and less enthusiastic about press and personal freedoms. http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/256429,hong-kong-newspaper-protests-as-macau-refuses-journalist-entry.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 保濕面膜  .

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